Design Games


Episode Summary

This time, we talk about characters in theory, in practice, in play, and in design, with examples focusing on tabletop RPGs and some references to video games.

Episode Notes

This time, we talk about characters in theory, in practice, in play, and in design, with examples focusing on tabletop RPGs and some references to video games. This is a big topic worthy of more talk later on, when we have more instruments on the table, but this is a good start.

Will references Robin D. Laws’ manner of iconic characters in this episode, which Laws once summarized like this:

“A dramatic hero follows a character arc in which he is changed by his
experience of the world. Examples: Orpheus, King Lear, Ben Braddock.
An iconic hero undertakes tasks (often serially) and changes the
world, restoring order to it, by remaining true to his essential self.
Examples: Beowulf, Sherlock Holmes, Batman.”

Robin Laws has more to say on the subject of iconic heroes in tagged posts on his old blog and his new blog, respectively.

(Will talks too loud and too fast, he’s been made aware of it.)

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Music is “Dances and Dames” by Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0